Dette er et (nesten) ordløst dokumentarisk portrett av California. Central Valley er et område hvor mye av USAs råvarer dyrkes, ofte av papirløse arbeidere. Gjennom Bennings tålmodige blikk bygges det opp et komplekst bilde av landskap som kombinerer naturens skjønnhet og spor av moderne «agribusiness». Og litt som i Polanskis Chinatown kan makt og penger i California spores til vannkilden.
I began El Valley Centro in November of 1998; I was driving through the Great Central Valley looking for places to film. I wasn’t going to start shooting for at least six months; I wanted to just look and listen – to get to know the Valley well before I would make images. But almost immediately I came across an oil well fire with flames high into the sky. I returned home for my Bolex and Nagra. Determined that landscape is a function of time, I let a full roll of 16mm film (100 feet) run through the camera. At that moment I knew I would make a portrait of The Great Central Valley using 35 two and a half minute shots. James Benning
A landmark in turn of the century American cinema… Benning thrillingly redefines the syntax of both film-making and watching to compile an indelible record of modern America that transcends its self-imposed confines to become poetic, searingly political and surprisingly funny. Time Out
This is a film whose every single shot deserves a full-length essay of its own. Neil Young’s Film Lounge
Attributt | Verdi |
Spilletid | 1t 30m (90 minutter) |
Produsert | USA 1999 |
Regi | James Benning |
Tale | Engelsk |
Tekst | Utekstet |
Aldersgrense | Tillatt for alle |
Visningsformat | 16mm |
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