Cinema Tehran, Oslo
Cinema Tehran, Oslo kobler folk sammen gjennom filmvisninger med fokus på Iran og den iranske diasporaen, litteratur, kunst, musikk og samtaler.

CINEMA TEHRAN, OSLO will bring people together through curated film screenings, art, music and conversations. Cinema Tehran, Oslo will be an essential place for freedom of expression, religion, freedom to be who you are, and equality, based on democratic values and dialogue. Cinema Tehran, Oslo is a multicultural cinematheque and cultural evening focusing on Iranian film, art, music, literature, food, Iran, and the Iranian diaspora. We are a monthly event arranged by Anicca Pictures in collaboration with Cinemateket in Oslo. Previously, we held our events at VEGA SCENE (2022-2023). From September 2023 we have been a part of the regular program at Cinemateket in Oslo, run by The Norwegian Film Institute.
Cinema Tehran, Oslo is funded by Fritt Ord, Kulturrådet, Oslo Kommune, Cinemateket Oslo, and Anicca Pictures.
For more info: Facebook/Instagram/Anicca Pictures
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